There was a time when the majority of people in the United States were quite ignorant of virtual sports, but that is changing, and changing fast. The phenomenon is very popular in Europe, and its influence is spreading very fast; the gaming market across the great ocean is embracing it, and doing so with both arms.
It’s only logical; in the UK alone virtual sports fills up about 20% of all gaming activities, and the Americans love sports and the ability to play it just as much – even more – than their European counterparts. It has a proven track record in Europe, so why shouldn’t it work in the land of the free? Do you want to learn more about virtual sports in the US? Here are your top questions answered. Incidentally, you can also get some great advice at if you want to learn what there is to know about virtual sports.
What exactly is virtual sports?
It’s not a real game, but it can certainly feel like one. In virtual sports, a computer program runs a game between two teams. It’s incredibly exciting, because you are able to create your own team, with real players and based on real statistics. The computer algorithm decides how the game is played – and you’re able to watch your own team match against another one in real time.
Legal issues
Games are decided by a simulator. Virtual sports are based on statistics and a random number generator, so it’s akin to gambling or other gaming activities online. Hence, it falls under the laws that rule other gaming industries such as poker or slots. Various areas around the globe have different laws that govern this.
The US market
The US market has been slow to accept the virtual world, especially when it comes to sports gaming, but this is quickly changing, and several big players are preparing for a serious entry.
The first wave
In fact, this has already happened; in 2016, virtual sports did its debut in Las Vegas, with horse racing simulations.
The potential
The market is just developing, and in Europe we see a great number of women joining the arena. The potential is endless – especially because it opens up a whole new way of gaming.
Initially, the US was slow when it came to virtual sports; despite the common interests, there are still some issues that held the US back. The UK caught on quickly because of horse racing and betting shops, things that were originally lacking in the US. However, experts contend that it is not that the market in the US is not ready for the wonderful phenomenon – the demand is certainly there, but the supply (the platforms and the suppliers of virtual gaming content) simply haven’t had a chance to organise themselves. It’s just a matter of time, but the second wave is coming very soon.